Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Brief info on Radiation

While the Japanese government spokesman has declared that “Japan’s marine life is in no danger regardless of the radiation levels in the waters near the crippled Fukushima 1 Nuclear Power Plant” on 26 March,
( experts believe that radioactive particles will have a noticeable and even lasting impact.  The radioactive isotopes detected so far have been:
§   Iodine-131 (half life of 8 days) – 3,355 times the legal limit
§   Caesium-135 – 117.3 times the legal limit
§   Caesium-17 (half life of 30 days) – 70.6 times the legal limit

A study on the internet on the uptake of radioactive iodine of 3 seagrass species that are found in Japan (Hijiki - Hizikia fusiforme, Nejimoku - Sargassum sagamianum and Tsunomata - Chondrus ocellatus) showed that the concentration/levels taken in by seagrass was much more significant than those of fish.  However, I was unable to find the exact numerical data of the concentrations taken up by those species.  

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