Monday, 11 April 2011

The Last Post

Our group 4 project has now come to an end. Before we sign off on this blog for the last time, we will take some time to reflect on the project. We will reflect in the three areas of evaluation provided.

1) Self-Motivation and perseverance.
-Each one of us took on this project wholeheartedly, and nobody was ever known to arrive to a meeting without useful data ready to share.
-We each took time out of our schedules to make sure we met regularly, despite the other issues pressing on us.
-We had difficulty in the beginning in forming a research question, but we maintained our commitment until we finally managed to find one which was suitable.

2)Working within a team
-Each time our group met, we would stay together and discuss where we were as a group, and how to move forward with the project.
-Each member of the group showed up to every meeting, on time, with data.
-We integrated each others ideas while forming the question, finally settling on one which we felt suited us all well.
-We were a little lost in the beginning in terms of how to integrate every person's different science, but we decided to find a topic which covered all areas of science, so that each person could research to the best of their ability and knowledge.

3) Self-Reflection
-Since this is a personal score, we must all speak for ourselves on the evaluation form. However, we as a group feel that we have accurately reflected on the process, on our strengths and weaknesses.
-We had difficulties starting out, but by harder work in the early days to find a suitable research question, we managed to unearth a realistic topic, as well as stretch our knowledge of the various sciences.
-One weakness we had was our lack in finding enough quantitative data as we would have liked, but this was largely due to the recent nature of the event. Thus, we had to settle for alternative sources of similar data, such as the 2004 tsunami in Indonesia.

For these reasons and more, we consider our Group 4 project a success. We all know a little more about seagrass, sciences, and each other. Go Group 16!

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